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Samantha Cary
Spinning A Yarn: The Cowboy and the Concubine in the Print Studio
Monotype and painting on 16 panels, each 30 x 45 cm with the whole image being 120 x180cm. Show here is first the Monotype on paper with subsequent images comprised of painted birch panels, from which the mono is taken, collaged with panels of the print to make a strange story.
Spinning a Yarn: The Cowboy and the Concubine, 2023, Monotype on paper, 120 x 180cm
Spinning a Yarn: The Cowboy and the Concubine, 2023,Painting on wood panels and Monotype on paper, 1
Spinning a Yarn: The Cowboy and the Concubine, 2023,Painting on wood panels and Monotype on paper, 1
Spinning a Yarn: The Cowboy and the Concubine, 2023, Monotype on paper, 120 x 180cm
Sexting in the Night Studio #KingKong
Sexting in the night studio #kingkong, 2022 charbonnel etching inks on birch panlels, 135
Sexting in the Night Studio 1, #KingKong, 2022, monotype 135 x 120cm
Sexting in the Night Srtudio #KingKong, 2022, Monotype, 135 x 90cm
Sexting in the night studio #kingkong, 2022 charbonnel etching inks on birch panlels, 135
Hand of God
Hand of God, 2022, Monotype, 120 x 90cm
Hand of God, 2022, Monotype, 120 x 90cm
Hand of God, 2022, Monotype, 120 x 90cm
Samantha Cary
Spinning A Yarn: The Cowboy and the Concubine in the Print Studio
Spinning a Yarn: The Cowboy and the Concubine, 2023, Monotype on paper, 120 x 180cm POA
Spinning a Yarn: The Cowboy and the Concubine, 2023,Painting on wood panels and Monotype on paper, 1
Spinning a Yarn: The Cowboy and the Concubine, 2023,Painting on wood panels and Monotype on paper, 1
Spinning a Yarn: The Cowboy and the Concubine, 2023, Monotype on paper, 120 x 180cm POA
Sexting in the Night Studio #KingKong
Sexting in the night studio #kingkong, 2022 charbonnel etching inks on birch panels, 135 £8000
Sexting in the Night Studio 1, #KingKong, 2022, monotype 135 x 120cm £5000 framed
Sexting in the Night Studio #KingKong, 2022, Monotype, 135 x 90cm SOLD
Sexting in the night studio #kingkong, 2022 charbonnel etching inks on birch panels, 135 £8000
Hand of God
Hand of God, 2022, Monotype, 120 x 90cm POA
Hand of God, 2022, Monotype, 120 x 90cm71
Hand of God, 2022, Monotype, 120 x 90cm POA
Karma Kiss
Karma Kiss, 2022, Monotype, 90 x 120 cm £5000 framed
Karma Kiss, 2022, Monotype, 90 x 120 cm £5000 framed
Gaugin, 2021, Monotype, 120 x 90cm SOLD
Gaugin, 2021, Monotype, 120 x 90cm
Gaugin, 2021, Monotype, 120 x 90cm SOLD
Collision Course
Collision Course, 2022, monotype, 60 x90 cm
Describe your image
Describe your image
Collision Course, 2022, monotype, 60 x90 cm
Describe your image
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